Write the first AID and treatment of shock. D pharmacy, D pharma

Hii frnds i'm Prem singh first year D pharmacy student of Onkaar college of pharmacy Sangrur Punjab, and preparing for neet 2022. Recently I started blogging to help the d pharmacy students.

Write the first AID and treatment of shock. 

Shock  is term which is often used loosely resulting in confusion. In medical terms, shock is a condition which occur due to loss of circulating blood volume. 

Cause of shock  : The causes of shock may be classified as follows: 

a. Lose of circulating volume 
b. Increased circulatory capacity
c. Lack of normal circulation 

Signs and symptoms of shock 

1. Anxiety and restlessness. It gradually progresses nto loss of consciousness and coma. 
2. Nausea and vomiting. 
3. Pallor and sweating. This occurs even though the patient feel cold. 
4. Fast and weak pules(but this may be slow or irregular)
5. Rapid and shallow respiration. Ultimately, the heart and respiration may become irregular and then stop. 

Treatment of shock

1. Reassurance of the patient. 
2. The patient is laid down with raised legs. If there is vomiting or of there is interference with breathing, the patient is placed in the three - quarter prone position (Recovery position). 
3. Clothes around the neck, chest and waist are loosened. 
4. Nothing to given by mouth and smoking should not be allowed.
5. Expert help is summoned. 

Further steps 
The patent must be taken to the hospital without  any dealy. It is because urgent transfusion or surgery may be required to save life. He may be transported in strecher with the head at a level than the body except in case head, chest or abdominal injury

Wish you knowledge📚 
