Write the first aid and treatment of poisoning. D pharmacy d pharma
Hii frnds i'm Prem singh first year D pharmacy student of Onkaar college of pharmacy Sangrur Punjab, and preparing for neet 2022. Recently I started blogging to help the d pharmacy students.
Question - Write the first and and treatment of shock.
Answer - Poison - A poison is any substance which has a harmful effect on body injuring health or producing death.
Poisoning - Poisoning may be accidental, intentional or homicidal. Poisoning may accurate by:
1. inhalation when poisonous gases or fumes bare breathed.
2. ingestion when the poision bis swallowed.
3. injection into the skin by means of a syringe or when a poisonous animal or inset bites.
First aid treatment in poisoning
The immediate requirement is to ensure that circulation and respiration are maintained.
1.For corrosives : When the poison is a corrosive acid or alkali it causes burning of lips, mouth or tongue. By this it can be easily recognised. Vomiting should not be induced in this case. In case of vomiting, there is danger of aspiration of the vomitous and this damage to the lungs.
2. Unconscious patient : If the patient is unconscious, he should not be made to vomit. Here again, there is possibility of the vomitous getting aspirated. If however there is retching and vomiting, the unconscious patient is kept in there - quarter prone position (Recovery position)
3. Conscious patient : Vomiting is induced in a conscious patient b. This is done by passing a finger down the victims throat b. If this fails, he may be given an emetic. The following can be given to induce vomiting.
i. Copious warm water
ii. A table spoonful of mustered is a tumblerful of warm water
iii. Two table spoonful of common salt ina Tumblr of warm water .
Vomiting should be induced when a conscious patient is laying on his side with the head dependent.
1. Corrosive acids : The patient should not be made to vomit. Plenty of water mist be given to dilute the acid. Mild alkalies like lime water, milk of magnesia, plaster from the walls or shop soap and water may be given. Also mulk or egg albumin can be given freely.
2. Corrosive alkalies: Vomiting should not be induced. Plenty of water should be given to dilute the alkali. If possible, two tablespoons of vinegar, orange b, lemon or lime juice is added of to water.
3. Insecticides: Poisoning by insecticides (Organo phosphorus compounds) occurs due to careless use or when taken for suicide. Symptoms of poisoning are excessive sweating, salivating, constricted pupils, slow pulse and difficulty in breathing. Artificial respiration may be given if necessary. The specific antidote is intravenous injection of atropine sulphate. It must be given by trained people.
3.Narcotics: (Heroin, morphine and related compounds): These drugs are valuable in the treatment of severe pain. They can produce addiction on repeated use. Symptoms of overdosage are drowsiness, coma, pinpoint, pupiland respiratory depression. Immediate medical care should be obtained in these cases. In urgent cases, trained person may give naloxone intravenously. The dose is 0.4 to 1.2 mg for adults and 10 micrograms per kg for children.
5. Sleeping tablets : Drugs like Valium and Barbiturates are intended to promote sleep . These drugs may sometimes be taken in overdose or for committing suicide. The symptoms of poisoning are deep coma, respiratory, depression, low blood pressure feeble pulse and cold skin firstaid is artificial respiration, if there is respiratory failure. The patient must be shifted to the hospital at the earliest.
6. Aspirin: It is sometimes used in large doses for sucide. Symptoms of poisoning are confusion , over - breathing, sweating, ringing in ears and deafness. Rarely coma may occur. First aid is giving an emetic. If large doses have been taken, treatment is specialist hospital is essential.
7. Food poisoning: It occur due to eating of putrified food or food contaminated with chemicals. Symptoms of food poisoning are pain, vomiting and diarrhoea. It may occur simultaneously in several person who have taken the same food. The patient must be quickly examined by a doctor. Children and old people must be taken care of immediately since they get several dehydrated due to vomiting and diarrhoea.
Wish you knowledge📚