Most important question for D pharma 2021 frist year
In this post I'm sharing with you most expected and important question for D pharma
From health education and community pharmacy
I've already shaird 10 most expected question
(𝟷𝟸) Write the Frist Aid and Treatment of shock.
(𝟷𝟹) Write the Frist Aid and treatment of Poisoning.
(𝟷𝟺) Write the Frist Aid and treatment of Burn.
(𝟷𝟻) How water associated with health and explain water born disease?
(𝟷𝟼) What is hard and soft water and how will you differentiate among them ?
(𝟷𝟽) Write the source of water pollution and methods of water purification.
(𝟷𝟾) Write short notes on solid waste disposal and control.
(𝟷𝟿) Write about, structure, type and anatomy of mosquitoes.
(𝟸𝟶) Write short notes on insecticides and it's classification.
(𝟸𝟷) What is microorganisms? Write the classification of Bacteria.
(𝟸𝟸) Write the different methods of Isolation staining of Bacteria.
(𝟸𝟹) Write short notes on following Disease .
(A) Chicken Pox
(B) T. B.
(C) Hepatitis
(D) Typhoid Fever
(E) Malaria
(G) Leprosy
(24) Write short notes on cancer disease and it's type.
(25) What is Hypertension disease? Write it's pathogenesis and control.
(26) Write short notes on Immunity and Immunization.
That's all for gaining good marks in Health Education and Community Pharmacy.
Best wishes for your life .