What are the Vitamins, classify the vitamins with source and Deficiency diseases? D pharmacy.
Hii frnds i'm Prem singh first year D pharmacy student of Onkaar college of pharmacy Sangrur Punjab, and preparing for neet 2022. Recently I started blogging to help the d pharmacy students.
Que: What are the vitamins, classify the vitamins with source an deficiency disease?
Ans: Vitamins: Vitamins are essential nutrients required by the body in very small amounts.
Classification of vitamins:
1. Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E and K
2. Water soluble vitamins: Vitamin B Complex and vitamin C
1. Fat soluble vitamins:
Vitamin A : Vitamin A is present in carrot spinach, green vegetables, papaya and mangoes. It is also present in dairy products like milk, butter and cheese.
Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin A leads to:
1. Night blindness xeropthalmia and keroatomalacia.
2. Abnormally thickened skin (Keratosis).
4. Retarded growth.
5. Lowered resistance to infection.
6. Atrophy of epithelial cells lining mucous membranes and secretory glands.
Requirement: 5000 I.U. daily.
Vitamin D: It occurs in two forms:
1.Calciferol (Vitamin D2). It is obtained by irradiation of ergosterol.
2. Cholecalciferol (D3). It is found in animal fats and fish liver oils. It is produced on exposure of cholesterol of skin to UV rays sunlight.
Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamins D produces rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. These tow diseases are characterised by deformities of bones.
Requirement: 1000 I.U. daily.
3. Vitamin E:
Source: Soya bean oil, wheat germ oil and rice germ oil. B
Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin E products abortion and sterility in animals. No symptom has been established in humans.
Requirement: The daily requirement of vitamin E is 15 to 30 mg.
Vitamin(K) : The major forms of vitamin K are Vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.
Source: Vitamin K1is present in liver, spinach, green leafy vegetables and cow's milk. Vitamin K2 is Synthesised by intestinal bacteria.
Requirement: 0.03 mg per kg. Daily.
Water Soluble Vitamins
THIAMINE(Vitamin B1, Aneurine)
Sources: Peas, beans , oatmeal, pea nuts, vegetables and fruits.
Deficiency: (1) Beriberi a symptom complex with characteristic neuropathy.
(2) Wernike's .
Sources: Milk, eggs, liver, kidney, green leafy vegetables, meat and fish.
Deficiency: (1) Delayed wound healing
(2) Increased susceptibility to cataract
(3) Impaired neuromotor function.
NIACIN(Nicotine Acid, Vitamin B3)
Sources: liver, kidney, meat, poultry, fish, legumes and ground nut.
Deficiency: Deficiency of niacin produces pellagra. This disease is characterised by three D's Diarrhea, Dermatitis and Dementia. In addition, glossitia and Stomatitis may also occur.
Requirement : The daily requirement of niac5 is 50 mg.
Source: Milk, liver meat, agg yolk, fish, whole grain cereals, legumes and vegetables.
Deficiency: Irritability, abdominal distintion
, loss of body weight and anemia in children.
Requirement: 2mg per day for adults. During pregnancy and lactation the requirement is 2.5 mg per day.
Source: Non-vegetarian foods like meat beaf, liver, kidney, oysters, eggs and milk.
Deficiency: Deficiency of cyanocobalamin leads to megaloblastic anemia. It's required for the development of red blood cells.
Requirement: The daily requirement is 1to 1.5 micro grams per day.
Source: Citrous fruits, tomatoes and green vegetables. Amla (Indian gooseberry) and guava fruits are very rich source of vitamin C.
Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin C produces scurvy.
Requirement: 40 to 60 mg daily.