What is demography and explain the demography cycle? D pharmacy

Hii frnds i'm Prem singh first year D pharmacy student of Onkaar college of pharmacy Sangrur Punjab, and preparing for neet 2022. Recently I started blogging to help the d pharmacy students. 

What is demography and explain the demography cycle? 

Demography: Demography is the scientific study of human population. 

Demography cycle: A look back into the history shows that every nation passes through five stage of demographic cycle. 

1. Frist stage (High stationary) : It is characterised by high birth rate and high death rate which cancel each other. So the population remains stationary. India was in this stage till 1920.

2. Second stage (Early Expanding) : There is a decline in death rate while the birth rate remains unchanged. So the population expands. Many developing countries of Asia and Africa are in this stage. 

3. Third stage (Late Expanding) : Death rate declines further and birth rate begins to fall. Yet there is an increase in population since birth exceed deaths. India appears to have entered this stage 

4. Fourth stage (Low Stationary) : low birth rate and low death rate. So the population becomes stationary. Sweden, Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland are now in this stage. 

5. Fifth stage (Declining) : Population begins to decline as birth rate is lower than death rate. East European countries like Germany and Hungry are now in this stage. 


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